Friday, February 19, 2010

Use your Front Porch to Welcome Others

When the Called to be a Keeper Bible study began back in 2001 I had never given my front porch much thought. I mean, I was truly in the busyness of raising children at that time. However, during our Skill Session on Hospitality, our Skill Session Speaker (Anne Denmark) made a statement that made me stop and think about my front porch. She shared with the class how your front porch is a reflection of you and sometimes can be an indicator of what is going on in your life. Now I know we can't take this too literally, but while talking about Hospitality I think there is a whole lot of truth in this statement. So, I want you to think about your front porch and ask yourself, "Does it welcome others?" What can you do with your porch that will welcome others and make them feel like your home and your life is a beautiful reflection of Christ? I am not talking about buying things, but I am talking about keeping it neat and tidy and doing what you can to make it say, "Welcome" to others.
"Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:9-10

See if you can do one or all of the things that follow to make your front porch scream, "WELCOME"!

In the winter it can be challenging to make your front porch sparkle with color, however keeping it swept and clean can make a big difference.

A scripture, welcome mat, or sign can state what is on your heart. Notice the pot with a globe and candle. I learned this tip from another Hospitality Skill Session leader years ago (Teri Hubbard). Light your candles when guests are arriving and you will extend an atmosphere of welcome before they even enter your home. With these great battery operated candles this is much easier these days.

Add seasonal (fake or real) flowers in a bucket or pot to give that final touch. But remember that no matter what you do, it is the extension of your heart of love that makes people feel truly welcomed into your home and life!

In His Love,

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