Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is Important---A New Perspective

Someone posted a quote on their Facebook page they heard on TV yesterday about the earthquake in Haiti. It read, “Today, important things became very unimportant.” Oh, how true that is when we face tragedy. My heart remains heavy today for the people of Haiti and those waiting to hear about loved ones.

I can’t help but ask myself why. Not the ‘why’ you might think—Why did this happen? Instead the ‘why’ of us as people—Why does it take such tragedy for us to stop to think about what is important in this world? Bear with me as I ask us both some questions:

• What were you fretting about, angry about, frustrated by, trying to buy, thought you had to do/have the night before this earthquake?
• Did your perspective change?
• Do those same things seem not-so-important now, in light of what those people are living through?

If this tragedy has touched you and changed your perspective about what is really important then will you join me in this prayer?

Father God,
I am a needy person. I need You and Your presence in my life every single day. I need reminders of why I am here and that this life is not about me. I was created to bring You glory. I was created to build Your kingdom and not Lori’s kingdom. I want to live for You and have a heart that breaks over the things that break Yours. I want to have the eyes of Christ Jesus, so that I may see who/what needs Your attention on this day. Lord, take the selfishness from me. Replace the selfishness with a heart of generosity. Replace godlessness with a godly life. Replace sinful attitudes and thoughts with thoughts and attitudes that are lovely, pure, true and right. Lord, You are to be my priority and my focus for living. Keep me on Your path with a heart that says, “Wherever You lead, there I will go.” Lord, I do not have the strength to ALWAYS stay focused on eternal and everlasting things, but You living through me will make that happen. May I yield myself to You every day, many times throughout my day so that I may live a life that honors and glorifies You. In the precious name of Jesus I ask these things. Amen.

In His Love,

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