Saturday, January 30, 2010

This is Snow Time!

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven…Ecclesiastes 3:1

Here at our house in Oklahoma it is time for snow! We are covered with a layer of ice and a layer of snow. Some places are only ice and some are only snow. We are both. It is soooo beautiful. I love most everything about it. I’m not crazy about the weeks following a snow like this when it all turns to slush and black piles, but I love it right now.

This can be such a great opportunity to spend extra time with your family and to reconnect with family and friends. What are you doing to accomplish this? It can also be a great catch-up time…a time to catch-up on chores, projects, and work. Are you doing that? I would love to hear how you are spending your time indoors. You may give me and others some great ideas for our days ahead!

Here is a brief view of what we have been doing:

We've been eating a little too much. This is part of our problem. It's toffee and it is good. We bought it to support a fundraiser...great idea at the time...not so much when you are snowed in!

Since I ate too much I thought my dog Buddy, should exercise.

Drove out on the roads to take beautiful pictures like this yesterday. Blame my husband--he made me go!

Watched the cardinals out my window and was in AWE of God even more!

Realized I better exercise too with everything that I have eaten! I didn't think you would believe me so my daughter took an action photo--yes, 40 minutes and I was still smiling--kind of.

Other things I have done: I have started a new Bible study, prayed a lot, watched two movies and a series we recorded, cooked soup, muffins and cookies; and eaten some more. However, tonight is Game night and I can't wait! How about you?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Was Duped!

Have you ever believed something for a long time only to find out it wasn’t true? Don’t you hate that feeling that comes along with it that makes you feel duped? That is how I felt years ago when I realized I wasn’t a tall person. I know that sounds funny, but most of my life I thought I was tall. Though my husband is really tall at 6’5” and my boys passed me in stature during their preteen years, I still thought I was tall for a woman. Not until my daughter passed me during her junior high years and my family began calling me ‘shorty’ did I come face to face with the ‘duped’ feeling! I had to face the truth. I began to realize that I wasn’t tall and never had been except in relation to certain people. It isn’t that I am a really short person; I am more average (on the short side) than I am tall. How did I live most of my adult life believing I was on the tall side? Looking back I realize it happened because I grew up with short friends. Most all of my friends were shorter than me. That didn’t mean I was tall though, did it? Think about this in relation to this Scripture and your beliefs:

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteous; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Yesterday during my Quiet time I learned that the word “reproof” means to undo incorrect thinking and behavior and realign with the truth (David Arthur—Lord, Help me Grow Spiritually Strong). Think about the meaning of reproof again and think about the incorrect thinking and behavior that is so prevalent in our society. It slips into our lives without us taking note and soon we don’t know that we believe a lie about how to live, think, act, and believe. It is the reason we NEED a constant diet of God’s Word. If we don’t have it then we begin to slip into the incorrect thinking of life and then we are duped! We can even begin to examine our Christian walk compared to the standards of others rather than examining our lives in the light of God’s Word. Incorrect thinking needs to be UNDONE! We do that with the Truth of God’s Word—no matter what the subject is. I NEED REPROOF IN MY LIFE! And I need it daily….how about you?!

In His Love,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is Important---A New Perspective

Someone posted a quote on their Facebook page they heard on TV yesterday about the earthquake in Haiti. It read, “Today, important things became very unimportant.” Oh, how true that is when we face tragedy. My heart remains heavy today for the people of Haiti and those waiting to hear about loved ones.

I can’t help but ask myself why. Not the ‘why’ you might think—Why did this happen? Instead the ‘why’ of us as people—Why does it take such tragedy for us to stop to think about what is important in this world? Bear with me as I ask us both some questions:

• What were you fretting about, angry about, frustrated by, trying to buy, thought you had to do/have the night before this earthquake?
• Did your perspective change?
• Do those same things seem not-so-important now, in light of what those people are living through?

If this tragedy has touched you and changed your perspective about what is really important then will you join me in this prayer?

Father God,
I am a needy person. I need You and Your presence in my life every single day. I need reminders of why I am here and that this life is not about me. I was created to bring You glory. I was created to build Your kingdom and not Lori’s kingdom. I want to live for You and have a heart that breaks over the things that break Yours. I want to have the eyes of Christ Jesus, so that I may see who/what needs Your attention on this day. Lord, take the selfishness from me. Replace the selfishness with a heart of generosity. Replace godlessness with a godly life. Replace sinful attitudes and thoughts with thoughts and attitudes that are lovely, pure, true and right. Lord, You are to be my priority and my focus for living. Keep me on Your path with a heart that says, “Wherever You lead, there I will go.” Lord, I do not have the strength to ALWAYS stay focused on eternal and everlasting things, but You living through me will make that happen. May I yield myself to You every day, many times throughout my day so that I may live a life that honors and glorifies You. In the precious name of Jesus I ask these things. Amen.

In His Love,

Friday, January 8, 2010

What Belongs in Your Space?

This first picture is the space where our Christmas tree stood. It appears to be a bare corner of the room--empty and in need of some TLC.

The second picture illustrates how different this same space appears once we moved the chair back into its place, added the pillows, and the throw. All of these things make it appear warm and inviting. I want this place to be warm and inviting because I try to begin each day here. This is what I call my ‘sacred place’. This is where I spend most of my morning times with the Lord.

The thought occurred to me on New Year’s Day that I have choices about what I could place there. I could have left it empty, changed it to a different chair (one more fitting for the area), or found a piece of furniture that might have looked better there. However, I wanted my ‘sacred place’ preserved. As I pondered this I realized that we all have those choices about the ‘space’ within each of us. What will we fill our heart, soul, and mind with this year?
• Will we choose to pore over God’s Truths and allow them to invade our very being?
• Will we choose to fill our mind with Scripture and commit it to memory?
• Will we fill our days with ‘activities’ that are eternal or temporal?

Dear friend, Choose today whom you will serve. Choose today what you will do with your time. Choose whether you will spend your time and energy on temporal or eternal things this year. I can’t wait to witness the great things God will do this year and I can’t wait to hear what He will share with me this year as well!
In His Love,