Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are you Missing It?

I have a friend who misses 'it' all the time. What is 'it' that she misses? To me it is the important details of the messages I send her. We do ministry together and often I send emails to my ministry team about important information that I believe everyone on the team needs to know. This dear friend however has a habit of skimming emails or thinking they don't apply to her so she moves to the next thing. (We'll see if she reads this post!) How do I know this? Because often times our conversations revolve around the details of the latest email I sent. When she asks me questions that were answered in the email eventually our conversation involves this dialogue, "Did you read my email?" to which she replies, "Oh, that was in the email. I guess I didn't."

We have laughed about this bad habit of hers and our Keepers team gives her a hard time about it. Recently I sent her an E-card and knew she had not read it because the company sends a notice when it has been opened. So, knowing her habit I finally asked her, "Did you ever get the E-card I sent you?" She told me she had, however I knew she had not read it because I had not been notified. The next day I received notification that she had opened it thus I knew now that she had read it. She later explained that she thought it was a 'blanket card' that I sent to all my friends. Little did she know that I had written her a message of love and thankfulness to her from my heart.

This situation reminded me of this time of year. God sent a special message of love to you and me in the form of a baby. Not just any baby, mind you. This 'message' was God Himself in the form of a baby. Fully man and fully God. He came to this earth so that we might have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) We needed a Savior from our sins. He sent His Son to be that for you and for me.

CHRISTMAS...are you missing the details of what this time of year is all about? Are you skimming over the most important message of this season because you have so much shopping to do, parties to attend, and food to prepare? Are you celebrating this season without really receiving the MESSAGE of love that was sent to you by God? Are you like my friend who could have missed my personal message of love to her because she skimmed over it? What a shame it would be to go through this month and never focus on the personal MESSAGE of love that God sent to you and to me. The even greater tragedy would be to never receive His gift.

Don't let this month get away from you and then realize you skimmed over the Message God sent to you; the *gift of His Son.
In His Love,

*Salvation is available to all who believe and receive. Read the following to learn how to do this.
Our Need--Romans 3:23 and 6:23a
God's Provision--Romans 5:8 and John 3:16
God's Promise--Romans 10:9-10, 13

Four Statements of the Gospel by Dennis Newkirk
1. God came to the earth in Jesus
2. Jesus suffered and died on the cross in order to receive the punishment of your sin.
3. Jesus arose from the dead to conquer both sin and death.
4. If you repent and believe this you will be saved.


  1. Wonderful analogy to learn about THE most important detail ever. Thank you!!

  2. Thanks Leigh Ann! It was a great reminder to myself first!

  3. Lori, I know exactly what you are talking about. Just a couple of days ago I was talking to my kids and asking them what the true meaning of Christmas was and we talking about Jesus' birth ALL of the time so I know that they knew the answer but it wasn't what they told me and I was shocked and felt like a horrible parent! I have been making it a priority every morning before we start school to thank the Lord for sending Jesus as a gift to us and just taking time everyday to make sure my kids really know the true meaning of Christmas.

  4. We have to be INTENTIONAL don't we?! We have to make sure we are focused on the Reason for the season because there is so much bombarding us and our children the other way. Good for you! A great way to keep your heart and mind focused on Christ (and your family's as well). Blessings to you!

  5. Such a great reminder! Thanks Lori. I needed to be reminded not to skim over Jesus and what he has done for us this season.
