Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Need a Quick and Scent-sational Gift?

Did you forget someone on your Christmas list? Did you just realize that your child’s teacher, coach, or your hair dresser didn’t make your list? Or maybe you have been racking your brain trying to think of something unique and wonderful to give to your neighbors and those listed above.

I have a great idea for you and it came from our "Gift Giving 101" presentation by Irene Delano two years ago. It is still the one thing I make every year. Because of the simplicity of the gift and the way it can be used for weeks through the holidays, I am crazy about giving this as a gift. I also love using this for myself!

The first picture is what it looks like completed as a gift to give.

The second and third picture is what it looks like when you use it. I wish this computer could send a scent your way!

Copy and paste the following for the list of ingredients and easy instructions under the title of Holiday Scent.

A couple of tips:
• When you buy in bulk (fruit and especially the cloves) you will save bundles of money.
• Make sure you buy REAL cinnamon sticks. The first year I unknowingly bought decorative cinnamon sticks at Wal-mart and Hobby Lobby. Needless to say that when I simmered the concoction, I didn't smell cinnamon and saw lots of paper in the water! Sorry to all those first year (2007) receivers!
• Make it personal by adding a special verse to the tag. I make the instruction tag (given at the link) and then, depending on who it is for, another tag with a special verse such as:
Merry Christmas!
We give thanks to God always for all of you,
making mention of you in our prayers;
constantly bearing in mind your work of faith
and labor of love and steadfastness of
hope in our Lord Jesus Christ…….1 Thess. 1:2-3
Steve, Lori, Josh, Jonathan & Brooke Merrill

These make great Hostess gifts for parties and Thanksgiving gifts as well.
Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!


  1. How fun! Thanks for sharing this idea! Love the pictures.

  2. thanks for sharing this. what a great idea. Ms. Irene is a crafty girl. I love this idea. Thank you for posting this!!
